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The Jewish Transcript
Seattle, Washington
August 26, 1938     The Jewish Transcript
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August 26, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Jewish Transcript produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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UST 26, man re is )r is: and abed are lind, their }GUST 26, 1938 Inchoukuo tn Kidnaped Jew-Haters R.BIN (W. N. S.)- A rcnewM ;i-Jewish terrorism 1)y llussim &apos; Guardists was reve.ded this with the ki(ln.q)l)ing of S. Isaac 2Rp., Jewish mcrclmnt, l(hn'- the fourth Jew 1,o be ki(huq)- [t recellt years. a0ugh heivv r.umom was imi(l Iof them, none of them were md alive. e.kidnal)l)ing of KIm'nmn is the Ililce the Manchukuoan :tutho- Suppressed It White (hmrd 1]al)cr and took steps to halt [of the more violent anti-Jewish II l estations. lane Crashes, Are Killed 'UTTGART, Get.--Two Am;n'- , both of them Jewish, were g 16 ldlled last week when a Czeehoshtvak lrtssenger phme, n a cloud bank, crn.shed 'rod ex- .d against n ]lacl< Forest moun- tde near ()l)crl<irsch, Germany. AInencans were l)orothy Co- nd Moritz Abeh:s, both believed lye been from New York. bo say that' ) Zionists N uncoml)ro$ If and tows [lcd upon slty about f well-to-d0 Isewherc Wl sidelines i )ross of expr( d:, 1937). t Of A Worl I1 Pl'ess 7 :mrles S. lawyer, co rc,tde,', bbi, 60, Goes To vit.btr tli, Ig Sing Prison ;(l to have of one suC W YORK (WNS)--Cmwictcd ell)fore unl la0Jlth on a charge of grand h,ctions. !ry growing out of his having ys ()f Muss e,L some of his SUl)l)()rters out of e 6(,)2 page,' )0! ia the cou,'se of getting orhl,'" pro ,)from New York Jews on the 40-11age O aie of l)erforming "Mitzves," f which art h: Zeide M. Schmellner, 60 years (luantity t Is Week was sentenced 1.o Sing " rlson f()r three l,o six years l)y • , (r  • stwthcl alSesm( ' ( ( (htz '  w. tns (,curt Julg; , : '- gh writtell' Nott, Jr. ,mthor'a .°thhi Bchmellner's seeret.u'y, Miss il 1 c re dllY lerd . ..... h111€ ) "' WltS SOItl,ell(((l 1,o ()Ire ,ttSlt l)ag'] ° Ye'u.s (in the same ch.trge. !htg[ish ape.[ duccd to Kin :ution YORK (WNS)--Miss Kitty great-granddaughter of 1,'c- the famous c(im- Was alnong a group of 200 J3ws on the S. S. Aquilania this 200 were all refugees from but Miss Szekely, who is t pianist in BUdnl)esL, left not 'ts a refugee l)ut l)e- g lmti-Semitic prop- She is going to ],os Angeles f'tther. THE JEWISH TRANSCRIPT, SEATTLE Father Coughlin Is Slappe t High Officials By Detroit Diocese Paper Dedicate New S. F. Temple FATHER COUGHLIN • . . he is repudiated! nnti-social .tcl iviiy in any r:wi.d or religious groit 1) ((iltle lirst frmn right- rain(led meml)ers of the group itself. "For snfe guidance on such issues loyal and l.houghlful Catholics h)ok to the otticial Sl)okesnmn ()f the Church." (Jilrsed is l he man I hal, lrusleth in man. llessed in Ihe man thai trustelh in the ],(wd.--Bibh. !lGoing Awa: ? HERE ARE YOUR TICKETS TO PEACE OF MIND! 1. Residence Burglary 2. Automobile Mishap 3. Personal Accident 4. Personal Effects Special Excursion Rates For Summer Months I)ETR()IT (W N S) .... 1,'.fl.her Coughlin's nnli-.lewish wrilings and tlttel'lMi(',es xvliethei' S(;It{(!(] el" inl- plied, are lotally out of harmony with (he l>ol)e's vigorous position against lull, i-Semitism, the Michigan C:tt.holic, otliciM organ of tit(; C,'ttho- ]ic Archdiocese of l)etroit, declared this week in :1 veiled yet umnistal<- aide rebuke to the Detroit radio IMest for his renewed :ufli-Jewish wril inkm. The lmper dechu'es th.d. "totMly out of harm()ny with the l[oly 1,"tth- er's leadership ,'u'e C:d>holies who in- dulge in speeches ()r wrtings which in fact hind l,o. arouse feeling ag.tinst (he Jews "iS :t i'tce. "l;ven when their remarks 'tre (lu:dilied in such a way as t.() set the discerning on their gust(l, these wrilers, should, in view of worhl c.on- di(ions today, cm'efully weight the danger of creating lwejudice in the minds of less (liscrimin:tting readers and seeing their writings exl)h)ited by unscl'Uplllotts promoters of anti- Semitism." Tim edilorial in the Michig:m LIPMAN & ESFELD Insurance, Exclusively! SMITH TOWER Main 2841 Cal holic asserts th.d> "history records a h)ng list of instances in which Catholic Church autheril.ies, espcci- ,dly ])(tl)es, vigorously and effectively Opl)osed the 1)erseculion of the Jew- ish 1)eol)le. Sovereign Ponl,iffs f,'e- quently took this l)osition despite 1)opu]ar feeling in wh()le pr()vinces or Coiintl'ies. "ln keelling with this tradition, Pol)e Plus X l has repeatedly (le- nmmced the false theories emmci:ttcd l)y l)resent dictators. "A statemen( issued at t,1/(: Val.ic:m on Scl)tembc, • 25, l(.)2g, said: 'The Catholic Church hal)itually prays for the Jewish peol)le who were the 1)e:u'(q's of the divine revelation up to the time of Christ. Actuated 1)y l.his hive, the AI)(mtolic See has l)rol.ected this I)(:()1)1(: ngainst unjust Ol)l)res- sion and, just ns every kind of envy and jealousy among the nations muat t)e (lisl)roved (if, so in an esl)eci'd m'umer musl, l)e that which is generidly termed anti-Semitism'." The ])el.roit Calholic org'm that "1.o Ul) racial feeling is n(it only un-Christian but also contrary to (.he :kmerican spirit of fidr play. "!l'(i I)l'tme the wrongdoing of Jews of we:tllh or influence (m that race in g(me,'al is no less mtjust th:m to hohl l he Cath()lic Churc, h or (ath()lies generally resl)onsible for the anti- social conduct of some C.ttholies in industry ()r hd)()r, or to charge Pro- test'this in general with guilt for ex- cesses of the Ku Klux Khm. "in .ill these c.tscs such a course is rightfully condemned I)y the fair- minded American. In all these c.tses, t(io, the ideal would be to have the most eml)h't(.ic c(mdemn'ttion of Nazi Leader, Under Fire YORl(--Canccll.ttion (if (,lie -:-.';.-:-': 7:7_-:-:;':.--:-:-:::-:-:-: -::.:::-.:--:.:-'::----:----[--_:: llii!l! [l!j!l{l0000..reduced prices ERFEL Winterscheidt, New York ,than "i(](lltlY convicte(l olt i[tl ill(l- =  .................... Fiesta rts that i_. _ 'lt to the hnmigration Bureau initc impr7::7 l)' Reilly, s°licit°r (if the '.   W a the antc'nls i atcs l)el)ar(.ment of lmbor.., highly i';terscheidt, sworn in 'ts ,, Nazi : ' ;ta.l)hysicaI,[;aandist in Et'hmgen, Germ,'uty, ._ [_../ ritualistie41u u, Wits (',onvicted for (,it(: see(rod ,turity, c°'[J:' e a eha,'ge of n,ot'al turl)itudc .nesu000o< ,., a,,,i,l,,,t,ldyOw,,ss,:,,- TWENTY PIECE STARTER SET )lace in tbei i q to serve from six months to been the ieYears in a New York County t  tiar formerly 5.95 !t(lhe no I t j Y' ,osal. 'u Une 26, one day before his ,, l- COnviction, l,e received his _ _.Q. aaLuralization 1).qlers "rod be- ILIl Americ.u) citizen. Jews" Is Sign Community W.des (WNS)--A sud- gUrge of anti-Jewish feeling in manifesting itself in the ()f anti-Semil.ic signs tm is giving serious con- Week to tit(: Jewish ecru- signs readiug, "ldll the and bearing stenciled swas- were found on nearly cf Jewish houses in (,he Gai)- "let, where :t l'u'ge Jewish on lives. II. Jerevitch, sl)irittml lead- Cardiff llel)rew Congre- said '% strong anti-Jewish .has deveh)p(:d and 1 ttm t w(m't be settled very hut will develo l) further." • uhlc(1 th't(, llolice fitn they were doing all in SUl)l)ress the agiLation. WISE WORDS id t9 C.91mna: "l,'lay tt c.u'- e Street and earn a living if a need, ltlt(l say llOt I Rill It at and it does not betit me." 4 eaeln Fiesta gives the hostess an opportunity to create her own table effects by combining, ac- cording to her tastes or the occasion, any colors in any way she desires. Whether used for serving breakfast, luncheon or informal buffet supper--it's fun to set a table with Fiesta. Choice of Ivory, Turquoise, Yellow, Green or Blue. Red slightly higher. You may add to your set from open stock at any time. Budget Payments on GRUNBAUM'S Friendly Credit Plan 5RUHBRUm BR05 $1XTHAVENUEbeweenPIKEandPINE. SE. 0600 SAN ]qL\\;NC1S((). --- Religious leaders ()f 'tll creeds nnd denomiua- ti(ms front :tll over (lie West met on Tre'tsuve Islnnd Tues(l:y, 1.o take I):trL in gr(nmdl)rc'ddng ceremonies for (}le Tmnl)le of ]),eligion :rod Tower of Pe:w.e n( (lie 1939 Golden Gate I nternuti(nml Exl)osi(ion. Gov. ],'rn)ik ],'. Merri'mb hono)'try ln'esi(lcnt turned the first slrule of earth on (he buihling bile, "rod presi- (lent ],eland W. Cutler and other ]';Xl)(Isition 'uM city otliciids, inchul- ing M'lyor Ang,'h) J. Rossi i(lok part. ](nown as Teml)le ()f Religion and Tower ef P(mce, Incorl)(n"ttd , tho orgnniz:t(ion is headed lly Rabbi ludolph ]. Coffee, president. IT. S. Circuit Court Judge Curlis D. Wilbur, ex-Secretar3 of the N'lvy, is fourth vice l)residcn(; .rod Dr. Aurelia II. Reinhar(lt, he.,1 of Mills (',ollege, fifth vice ll,'es;(lent. Mrs. M. C.. Sloss is a director. Tu,s(hty evening a hug:t: m:tss meetin- of religious Krotll)S w:ts held at (It(: civic :m(litorium in San Fran- cisco :t( which Governor Merriam and tlislint:uish(:d lllelllbel'S ef the clergy sl)oke. Religious exhibits frmn l he e'u'liest time (5 tecol(h,ll hist.ory, inehtding the firs(, known 1)il)les, will 1)e In'ought from every corner of .he esrlh to the Tem pie. Worhl religious le'lders wil| bc in- vited here (o h:elm'e, as well :ts in- tern,ttiotml tigures, in the cause of unive)'sid 1)e'tce. "The Teml)le of Religi(in and Tow- er cf Pence will lie free to the putllic 'rod our religious and l)eace i)ageants, hehl (lifily, will be made dr.tmatic, coh)rful, nnd singularly appealing," Ral)l)i Coffee said. Lloyd George To Open N. Y. Palestine Edifice NEW Y()RK (WNS)--Bar,'ing un- forseen l)oli(ical deveh/Innents in ]';urope, l)'tvid Lh)yd George, war- 4imc l'rime Minister of Great Brit.tin, will lie the guest of honor at the Ollen- ing of the 1)alesl.ine l)avilion at the New York Worhl's Fnir, i( was .m- ilOllllce(l l odlly. Authoress Admits She Was Wrong About Nazis llELSINGI"OI)S, l"inl'tnd (W. N. S.)--Admi(.ting she had 1)een "stu- pid and imllrudent" in l)ermitting herself (o ll.,, l)ersu:,led to 1)artici- pitte in a so-c:tlled Nordic cultur'tl fes(iv'tl under Nazi aUsl)ices in Lue- I)eck, Germany, Sally SMminen, former New York S(;l'Vttltt girl, who wr()te the 1)rize n(ivel, "l(atrina," this week I)itterly attacl<ed 1he Ger- man Nazis in a le((.er to an A.d:tnd ]sland newsl1:il)er ()it her re(urn front (.lie lhdeh. ])ecliu'ing that she had one it) Gernmny without prejudices but re- turned with fixed convictions, Miss S.tllninen snid "Nazi(h)m e.:tnnot h'tvc my SUl)l)ort, and 1 know (hal if necessary 1 sh'tll c(nnlrtt it. "Though Nnzi ideas al)lmrently h'tv(: I)rought hell1 to rn,tny workers 't)i(l l)oor chihh'en, they le'ul nmnkind to lmditlot I)ecltuse they destroy its best and noblest, aslnr'thons. Italy's Anti-Semitism Turns Boomerang , I'ARIS (W. N. S.)-llalys anti- Jewish l)oliey is ex]le(..le([ to cause her serious economic injury in Tunis, N(n'lh Africa, where 12,000 Jews who :tre ]lnlian sul)jec(s, are tel)oft- ell h) have ileeided this week to allan- don llalinn allegi:uwe "tn(I end)race 1,'reneh ei(izcnshil I. Sitwe runny (if the Tunisian Jews are iml)orlant f'tctors in lra(te and commerce, l,'rench authorities will welcome (hem as French cilizens. Addition of 12,000 new citizens will increase (he l('rench I)ol)ulation a,n(l aid 1,'rance in nmet,ing l(:dian and Gt, rnmn inlriguos in North Afri- CII. Gentiles Want To Get In Ghetto Markets! WARSAW (WNS)---The ghetto markets established under the pressure of anti-Semites are bad for business, a group of Christian saddlers and cabinet makers in Kalisez revealed this week when they asked Jewish merchants to allow them to display their wares alongside the Jewish stalls be- cause the "Aryan" market was not being attended by customers. The Jewish merchants had been forced to move out of the regular market under the pressure of the anti-Semitic National Democrats. New Year Greetings Are Expressive of the Rosh HashonaD Spirit You need not send individual New Year cards to everybody you know. It is too expensive, too bothersome, and a nuisance to the postal authorities ...... Use THE JEWISH TRANSCRIPT --and wish everybody a Happy New Year! All your relatives, friends and associates will be reached--without bother and fuss and last=minute worrying over whom you've forgotten to send a card to -- by inserting your gHie:i:Ai2::tu:N2A L ROSH The JEWISH TRANSCRIPT Nobody can chide you for for= getting him on Rosh Hashonah if your greeting is published in THE JEWISH TRANSCRIPT PHONE OR MAIL YOUR ORDER NOW! MAin 2715 1616 8th Avenue, Seattle