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Thought Of The Week
"We live in the most cruel era of history. Fascism is attempting to destroy every trace of civilized reason and humanity that man
has painfully evolved through the eons. One fights them grimly. They must be eliminated like a cancer, or life cannot go on. There is
no compromise with cancer or with Fascism. But we ask ourselves, ,Can human beings become so twisted and diseased?' The answer is:
Man is not evil; he is only blind. I am sure that even in the Fascist lands, except for a small official caste of the religious hierarchs and
the bandit-rulers of state and industry, the great masses do not celebrate the news that another Spanish or Chinese city has been bombed
and hundreds of babies and their mothers murdered. Even the Fascist masses do not rejoice; indeed, the hierarchs and state rulers are
careful to keep the full details from them. They cannot trust the human instincts still remaining in their own followers. Man is blind,
not evil. I sometimes pity the dupes of Fascism, for they live in darkness. They have been led to believe that the murder and hate of their
rulers is necessary for the nation. But history, that great surgeon, will yet operate and give them eyes."--MIKE GOLD, Writer.
rGUST 26,
ti-Jewish terr(
" Ilar(hsts V
with the kidn,
an, Jewish 1
the fourth J
i recent year,
:[hOugh heavy
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Prod alivc.
The 00lewish Transcript
A Weekly Newspaper for the Jewish People of the Pacific Northwest
1616 8th Avenue, Seattle
Phone MAin 2715
HERMAN A. HOROWITZ ........................ Editor and Publisher
NXTItAS Kiw.Me ....................................... Associate Editor
SiDm:r W. WEBnER .................................. Business Manager
OFlnCt^L PnoToon^Pm:R ......... Waiters Studio, 4th and Pike Building
A weekly pai)er devoted to the interests of the Jewish peaople of
Washington, Idaho, Montana, British Columbia and Alaska. Entered
as second class matter September 5, 1924, at the Post Office at Seattle,
Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Single Copies, 5 Cents. $2.00 per Year
VOL. XV. Friday, Aug. 26, 1938 No. 26
N the minds of many uninformed people, the Federal Govern-
menus resettlement project at Hightstown, New Jersey,
where some 200 Jewish needle trades workers from New York
and Philadelphia have been settled in an agricultural-industrial
community, is a radical colony.
Some opponents of the New Deal have even gone so far as
to denounce it as "Communistic." Anyone at all familiar with
Jersey Homesteads, as the settlement is known, accepts this
criticism as simply political talk with no foundation in fact.
Sunday something happened in Jersey Homesteads that
ought to put an end to such criticism.
Jersey Homesteads was host to a great gathering of war
veterans, civic leaders and representatives of patriotic organi-
zations from all parts of the country, for that was the day selected
for the installation of a local post of the Jewish War Veterans
of the United States.
Among the needle trades workers in the colony are a score
of war veterans.
It is significant that this colony of Jews selected a patriotic
organization like the J. W. V• as the first national body to be
represented by a local unit at Jersey Homesteads•
The dedication of this post of the Jewish War Veterans is
important for a number of reasons.
First, it is an effective answer to the calumny that the
colony is radical• It also demonstrates that when Jews get to-
gether in this country, one of the first things they think of is
And finally it reveals the high proportion of veterans among
American Jews.
Out of 200 families there are 22 veterans.
VEN the most perfunctory reader of foreign news dispatches
s by this time familiar with reports of this or that country
or colony denying admission to refugees from Austria and
Germany. The reasons vary but the result is the same.
R It is, therefore, a heartening piece of news that the town of
Newtownards in North Ireland recently turned out en masse to
welcome 60 Austrian Jewish refugees who had come there as
permanent settlers.
Headed by Sir Basil McFarland, the High Sheriff, the Irish
townsfolk paraded to the dock and escorted the Jewish emigres
to their new home with a parade.
In a brief address, Sir Basil emphasized that Ireland was
confident that the Jewish newcomers would greatly benefit Ire-
land just as the Huguenot refugees from France two centuries
ago had benefited the Emerald Isle.
The refugees had hardly put foot on Irish soil before they
were busy organizing a factory for the manufacture of women's
clothing and training Irish women in the art of designing, cutting
and sewing milady's garments.
There's an old tradition about the Irish and the Jew getting
along well together wherever they are.
The hearty welcome accorded the Austrian Jews in New-
townards re-emphasizes this old friendship between the two
NE of the objections most frequently cited by various coun-
tries to the admission of German and Austrian refugees as
permanent settlers is the allegation that they would take
jobs away from natives. On the face of it this would seem to
be a valid reason. But if we dig below the surface the facts do
not justify it.
Sir John Hope Simpson, one of the world's greatest experts
on immigration, and a former vice-chairman of the Refugee
Settlements Commission in Athens, reported to the Liberal
Summer School at Oxford that 25,000 Englishmen have been
given employment in business enterprises established by refugees
in Great Britain.
This figure, he said, is more than double the number of
refugees admitted to England. Similar facts were recently
revealed in Holland.
If an objective investigation of the situation were made in
other countries that have admitted substantial numbers of
refugees, notably France, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, the United
States and Argentina, we have no doubt that it would reveal that
the emigres had contributed greatly to the economic prosperity
of their new homelands.
It is true, of course, that many of the refugees now seeking
admission to other countries are almost penniless, having been
robbed of their property before being sent to exile.
But there are still some who have some capital with which
to start life anew if given the opportunity.
But even those who are without concrete means possess in-
tangible capital such as knowledge of valuable industrial meth-
ods, formulas, patent rights, etc., that will prove economically
useful in countries with sufficient foresight to make their owners
Rosh Hodesh, Ellul .... Sun., Aug. 28
5699 - 1988
Rosh Hashonah, 1st day.Men., Sept. 26
Fast of Gedaliah ...... Wed., Sept. 28
Yore Kippur ............ Wed., Oct. 5
Succoth. 1st day ....... Men.. Oct. 10
Succoth, 2nd day ..... Tues., Oct. 11
Hosha'ana Rabba ...... Sun., Oct. 16
Shemini Atseret ....... Men., Oct. 17
Simchas Torah ........ Tues., Oct. 18
Marchesvan ........... Wed., Oct. 26
Kislev .............. Thurs., Nov. 24
Chanukah ............. Sun., Dec. 18
Tebeth ................. Fri., Dec. 23
Fast of Tebeth .......... Sun., Jan. 1
Book Review
Whither Palestine!
BOOKS:"Thy Neighbor" by Lord
Meh!hett (11. C. l(insey & ('o.) . . .
"A ,]oilrl(ey to Jerus'dem" by St.
,lohn Ervine (M.emillan Co.) ....
"Three l)ceades of l'alestine" by l)r.
Arthur Rul)pin (Shoclen Vertag,
REVIEWER : llem'y Montor, al)le,
keen-min(hd young New York I)oo]
COMMENT: It is difficult today
to evade l'Mestine in discussing thc
Jewish I)roblmn. Firstly, it assumes
e(nnnmnding 1)rollorti(ms in any reas-
onal)]e ai, teml)t to find h()mes for
"Sul)erlluous" Jews. Secondly, it is
a]rea(/y one of the major Jewish eom=
muni(ies of the world, containing
more Jews than arc in Austria,
l;tvia, Belgium, It'lly nn(l Switzer-
lan(l conibined, harb(Mng a .lewish
l)Olnflation 'thnost e(lual t(i tliat
which elm I)e found in (]re.l, Bri(>ain,
North h'el',.nd and IAthuania.
Many Jews, some i)r(nnl)(ed I)y sin-
cerity, ()l, hers by m'tliee, are asldng:
In l'alestine truly an o'tsis in a desert
()f Jewish (lliliression or is it, but a
confusing mirage taunling l, he weary
W;tllderer 9
To the babel of'voices rushing in
t() IIl|svcer [hat qliestion have recent-
ly been a(hled three b()t)ks, all sym-
liatheti(: or lmssional.ely dev(il,e(l to
• . . he was once a Christianl
(,lie relluil(ling of the .lcwish Nal, ional
IIome. All of them recognize the dif-
fi('ulties but seem to have n(i doubts
of a hal)l)y outcome.
As a c(mcise, orderly, l)opular ex-
l)osition of Jewish aims and accoml)-
lishment in Palestine no English
l)ook l)ublished exceeds in al)peal
Lord Melchett's study of tl)e Jewish
llrol)lem an(1 its sohl(,ion which he
calls "Thy Neighbor."
Born into the Episcol)al Church,
the young Lord Mclchett, folh)wing
the exanll)le of his late father, Alfred
Mond, l)as not merely returned t(i
Judaism but has embraced Zionism
with a fervor and an intvlligenee
which match that of the most veteran
Zionist lcaders.
His having been a Christian is,
fascinatingly enmigh, explicit in the
tone of the entire book. There in
neither SUl)l)li'mee nor al)ology in
LoM Melchet('s account of Jewish
I)crsccution an(1 of the Jewish at-
temllt t(i resist th't burdcn through
the erea(,ion (if a nal, ional, in(le-
l)ende.nt life in Palestine.
The forthrightness in LoM Mel-
chett's arguments is a refreshing de-
llartu,'e from much of Zionist docu-
Lord Melchett surveys the pano-
rama of Jewish life and decides that
hopelessness is the lot of at least
6,500,00(I Jews in tyranny-ruh;d na-
tions in Eurol)e. For most (if these
he wants lllacc made in 1)alestine.
lle reiterates the frequently-heaM
demand for a htrge h)an under League
(if Natio,)s ausllices which will ac-
celerate the slow teml)o of Jewish mi-
gratiou into Palestine.
Lm'(I Mehdl(;tt's e'flm prose is in
strikhlg contrast to the. hysteria (if a
number ()f American residents in
l'ah;stine who fled Tel Aviv when
the first I)ullets were he'u'd over (.lie
Pl:dns of Esracl(ni in 1936. These
Americans, ]miring to find in thc
.. he is most competent to speakl
slrtcious (()mfor(.able l)orders of Tel-
Aviv "t nulr(: llrofil.abh: ((n'ner (if New
Y(irk, llecame (.error-stri(den when
tim thought was l)r(mgh(> home to
thenl that l)a]estine is f(ir pi(ineers
and not f(ir gold llrOsliect(irs.
l,o)'(I Mel(diett's f'dlJl in ]'fis Zion-
isni should :lls(i give pause t(i Jews
hnlger :lss()eial.ed with Zi(niism who,
set(Jing the fate of nations over their
()(iron.t-Corona cigars, h.tve lie, tided
(hat the Jewish llomelan(I will never
I)e realized I)eeaus( its I)uihling en-
tails (.he loss of lives and l)rol)erl,y.
l,or(l Mel(dmtt slie.ds wi(h sin-
cerity an(l franl<ness, th(mgh some (if
his obserwti(nls must, I)e disquieting
(,() any (nle wondering whe(,her the
price for Jewish setthmmnt in l'Mes-
l, ine nius(, I)e a strong military an(1
naval base at llaifa l.(i se.rvc the life-
Ibm (If the B,'tish emliirc.
But what about l,hc Aralis? What-
ever (.lie ex(,(mt of ,lewish suffering in
Eur(lllcan countries which (lcinands
'ts elenmnl;ary jusl;ice tile (',reati(in of
a haven in l'alestine--does tt,at
jusiify l.he del)riv:lt, ion (if ArM)
Arabs may I)elieve it or not, but
th(ise questi(ms are asked m(n'e by
,Jews th.ui t)y .uly other gr(n H) of
peol)le. That they do so is a tribute
to their i).tssion for social justice.
But at l,imes it is a token of their
ne, uroti(: self-('(nMemnation.
The best 'ulswer to pro-Arab Prof.
William E,'nest llockiug's sawge
ehamllions]fil) of the 'q'(nmul(;c >'' (if
Arab overlo,'dship of l).l]estine is sup-
lilied by St. John Erviue in "A
Journey to Jervsalem." At times
Ervine errs (nl the side of jocularity,
but his reinltr](s Oil l)alestin(; are free
of the stiifl[iness and bh)atcd serious-
iless of the average trltvel IteeOllllt.
()f the three, b(l(iks, ])rllnlatist St.
John ]]rvine,)s is most ell]eulatc(I to
In'ovi(]e entcrtainnlent. Rncing
a(WOSS its nlany subjects its pop into
his head, El'viii( , ]ias piled l)hih)so-
1)hy, religion, science, history an(I
l)lain good humor ;nto his 360 l)ages
which seems too short.
it is iml)(irtant to cml)hasize this
quality in Erviuc in (n'dcr to al)-
ln'eci'tte wh,tt lie sltys 'diout the
Arabs. If he dislnisses theni (!urtly
nlid scenlingly brut't]]y it is merely
it rca(',ti(ni against the silly scnti-
nmntldisnl with which (he Arab case
is usa][y llrescnted.
The Aral)s have ,'t right in Palestine
tIS ]lulnan beings requiring Ol)lior-
tunil,y and freedon. Their right is
similar to thitt of the ,lows'.
But too ninny ()f the Arab ehiHn-
liions h)ve 1.() siln])(!r abollt the "sinl-
lilicity, '' the "l'onlancc, ) t]ie "ghun-
(ii"' of tho Aral)s as though thltt is
lilly roconll)(Hlse for tr,choina rick-
el.s) niisl;i'y. These same (,hanl])iolis
(ondelnn the "Oeci(hmtal industry ')
with which Jews ill'(! "Sl)oiling the
scenery. '
After a shar 1) dissection of T. E.
Iawronce, FA'vine relnarl(s that "he
did ns all it (lisscrvice when lie set
us senthnen(,Mizing al)out Aral)s...
When I hear tin Englishm,m soliti-
inentalJzing l/I)ou| lhe ]loble Arllbs
and reineml)er lhe dirty, inefl+ieient
,tnd greedy lmksheesh-hunters I saw
w]ierever ] wenl. 1 feel rising
within nie.
"These imoph; will l)i'aise the ArM)
:till1 belitth' (,]it Jew nlere,]y, SO far aS
cad discover, be(Hl]Se the Jew is in-
dustrious, enterprising and adult,
and unwilling to be patronized like it
li(:t dog, whereas th(; Arall II'tl;Lers
the Eur()l)('an's s2nse of his ()wn su=
l)cri(n'ity by lil'ying the imrt of the
hell)less nonlad, the simple child of
the desort;, thc melting-eyed infant
who will alhlw t,hc big, strong Eng-
lishnili, n l,() |,like (are of hhil! )'
Of the three ailt]iors) the (ill() most
COml)etont to sl)eak on t,he actual
proi)lenls is ])r. Arthur Rul)pin )
agrononlist and e(!ononlist who, 30
ye'trs ago, came (.o I)alestine, 'is the
l)ionee, r of Jewish national coloniza-
][e is just as hol)cfu] today as lle
wns then, even though he, has tiad
nlore ilitinlate conta(t with the
])an(lieal)S a11(l the, ol)st'tch)s than
virtually every other Zionist leader.
"Three l)c(mdes of P.destinC' is it
coml)ilation of the sl)eeches and
l)al)ers of l)r. l{ul)l)hi. It has be, e,n
transl'tted into English 1)y Maurice
Siimu,<;l. In its 1)Itges one hlts (;lie
history ()f the Zionist inovenl3nt fronl
the hiside.
It is i;he story of Zionist d()ubf, %nd
Jn(le(lsi(ni, ()f exi)eriinent lind SllC-
eess of the.ory an(1 reitlity. Dr.
kidnal)l)ing (:
fince the Mal
?al)cr and 1,o(
.°f the m(n'c vi
RUl)l)in ]ias lnuch to say that C
equ:dly shocMng to Zionists a] ane .]
Zionis(s for lie is uncomproir .re Ki
honest with himsolf and towl
ln'olllems he is called ulmn
solve. UTTGART, (
What he h'Ls to say about , both of th,
fensive manners ()f well-to-d( il 16 ldlh;d l
in Ameriea 'rod ehmwhere w Czechosh:)wd<
ldl)i(.zers on the sidelines n a cloud llanl
typic d of his frankness of expr 'd •
• ' against li B1
(Col)yright, 1937). lde near Obcr
e A •
BOOK: "Twilight Of A WorI[(i . merl.cans v
l,'r.u,z Wcrfel. Vil, ing l'ress, [t:!d. M()rltz AI,(
. iV(]'iV been f] oln
REVIEWER: Charles S. ] " '
Seattle corl)oration lawyer, c ].
lite an(t vor.eious reader.
OMMENT: lnevitill)ly th
ing l)ul)lic in (loonled to l;avet
on it I)y (;lie alithor of OliC stlll
I)ook rel)rints of hereloforo uilll
alid nie(liocre 1)ro(hietions.
Wcrfel's "Forty Days of Musa]
is resl)ons[I)]e for t]ie 6(,)2 pages
"Twilight ()f A Worhl," prd
eight stories an(1 a 40-1)age c
tory l)rologne, Ml of which are
niore su|licicnt in (|lntntity
Five ()f thenl never sip, v tho l:
light ()f (lay, allhough writtell (
long i)eriod of (;lie allthor)8
n.nd it was not until ho rcalif
(he 1)Ol)Uliu.ity of <llSii, |)ag ll
he fecl t]iat tho English sP
l)eol)lcs would be induced to
lbi, 60, G(
!I Sing Pri
a0nth on a
ll: growing o
'( Some (if his
I ia the c
0,i0 from New
lile (if l)erfor
i Zeide M. S(',
t]tlS Week "WITS
l risen for thr
ral Sessions (:
Not(,, Jr.
i Schmelhle
er(t, 38, Wit,'
Years on th(
as anlong 11
on the. S.
200 wcre
but Miss
liot a
EL' She is g(ii
ill her father.
• . . more quantity than qtil
ize the literary efforts that i
man made no definite impre;
The stories cover (,lie imtc "1
days in Auslria, arc highly ir t
(,iv(;, sl)eculative, metal)hysiclil
h)sol)hic'd and spiritualistie
show nono of the maturity, c01
ity or power ()f his one succeSS'
Werfcl's bid for a l)laco in tl
(if F'line wouht havo 1)een the
proliably accepted had lie not
this llook to his prolmsal.
Tho soldiers fight and the kif
Mental attitude 1its more !l t
with SlICCCSS thall lllelltltl cap llIJI
Tontorrow is ei(her the 1 'c¢,
" . 'tl
1)unishment for today's actl'4
lie who is able to ,tttcnd'
gogue,, and neglects to do so, i
Nazi L(
Cate of natu
recently cot
lity charge,
eek to the In
rald l). Reil
d States Del
)i terscheidt, s
qlalidist in ];
t(], Was (',onvi(
011 l/ charge (
:lc 27, aiid
to Serve fi
Years i,l a
eiitiary, ol
J(liie' 26,
Id eonvictioll
, ltaturalizati(
Oo You
.-. KNu 00_Je
, je ardiff C
According to tradition, the ,
..... £¢ ?!i:
!'?i :!'! iiii!!i?}' )he2: '(i 'lW:::
': ; ' • . "' ' e tlhi anifest
had served with the Roman le!|vi_,14 ()f anti.
selected boautiful Jewish w°'|ill'!lhh°n'es,clt, t is is
t]lcir llortion ()f the spoi s and .|,,. " Week ((
them to their quallters on thc li,' ty' ' '
and the Main and there coIl lv,foot signs
with them. Theh' children v¢cr0 (I) and I)eiti.i
ed as Jews by their mothers, I titl e Yilll)()ls wet
• 0e ,
the founders of the Jowish coIll l di ef Jewish
ties between Worms and /[tt)' i strict, whe
legend has it. }atioli ives
-'U)bi l-r • "
,.u ,avo .,.I eo.vcrted a: <the00,
callse you have silenco(1 him. ,. , i, ,,
'llllt I. v it
ri(i" .-as (tev
lie I it w(nft
l{q hut will
. )l Jerevitcl
(: hiiu they
P°Wer to sul:
1 h WISE
:%. sU, id t9 C9
!% a. the Street
lqil 'e ia need,
-'l, , Driest and i
' Ithiiud.