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The Jewish Transcript
Seattle, Washington
June 27, 1949     The Jewish Transcript
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June 27, 1949
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Page Two THE TRANSCRIPT June 27, 1949 June Engagen, ent Told Sherma Fain Tells Henrietta Szold At Family Party Engagement News Group Sponsors Tea June 29 Pincus announced the engagement of their daughter, Sylvia, to Rabbi Albert Plotkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Plotkin of South Bend, In- diana. Miss Pincus is a graduate of the University of Washington, where she was president of Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority. She is at present president of the Seattle Jewish Youth Council. Rabbi Plotkin graduated magna cum laude from Notre Dame Uni- versity. He was ordained at the Hebrew Union College where he received the Kaufman Kohler Award. For the past year he has served as assistant rabbi at Temple De Hirsch. He was recently appoint- ed to the pulpit of Temple Emanuel in Spokane where he will assume his duties on August 1. An early fall wedding is planned. Evelyn Robinson Betrothed To Mair Rodrique Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robinson of Elma, Wash. announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Evelyn, to Mr. Mair Rodrique, son of Mrs. David Rodrique of Aberdeen, Wash. Miss Robinson is a graduate of the University of Washington where she was affiliated to Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority and Pi Alpha Sigma, advertising honorary. An August wedding is planned. The Henrietta Szold Group of Se- attle Chapter of Hadassah will spon- 'or a Garden Tea, Wednesday, June 29, at 1:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Shenson, 908 Harwwc N. All funds raised will be used for the Child Welfare Projects of Hadassah. Mrs. Edward R. Glazer is chair- man of the afternoon tea assisted by Mesdames Harry S. Brown, Al- lan Widell, Jack Kaplan, Sam Tars- his, Henry G. Eisenhardt and Leo Steinhauer. Book Review Mr. Grant W. Merrill of the Uni- versity of Washington, well-known radio speaker and lecturer; will re- view the best seller, "Point of No Return," by John Marquand. Hostesses for the tea include the Mesdames Mendel Levin, Henry Arshin, Sam Kamel, Max Tobias The engagement of Miss Sherma Sam Tarshis, Julian Arnstein, Max Doris Fain, daughter of Mr. and Schoenfeld, Melvin Lurie, Morris Mrs. Wolfe Fain of Oregon City, Kossis, A. B. Loeb, Harold I. Poll Oregon, to Mr. Jerome William Irving Sarkowsky, M'orris Bender Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sidney Shenson, H. S. Brown, Na- Parker of Seattle, was announced than Levitt, Simon Hurwitz, Herm- Sun'day, June 5th. an Nossen, Isadore Pincus and Max Miss Fain passed the traditional Jaffe. box of chocolates to her sorority Public Invited sisters at the Phi Sigma Sigma Mrs. Morris Bender is president Sorority's Senior Breakfast. of the Henrietta Szold Group of Mr. Parker attended the Univer- Hadassah. Reservations for the tea sity of Washington, where he was may be made with Mrs. Eisenhardt, affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu Ea. 4158 or Mrs. Helen Widell, Ea. fraternity. 1322. Everyone is welcome t:o attend. Graduates of the Talmud Torah are: first row, left to right, Jimmy Benoliel, Erwin Frand: Second row, Mr. Saul Porush, Marshall Luban, Rita Shulman, Ester Schiossberg, Ruth Funk, Leon Angel, Rabbi S. Graudenz: third row, Bob Baronsky, Mendel Schreiber, Herbert Man- holt, Harold Woron, Josel}h Radinsky. Tea to Honor Engaged Couple To honor the recent engagement of their granddaughter and niece, Miss Sylvia Pincus, to Rabbi Albert Plotkin, Mrs. I. Krakower, Mrs. J. Krakower and Mrs. Belle Secord will give a tea on Thursday, June 30, at their home, 939 10th N., from 2:30 to 5 p.m. No cards have been issued. Mrs. Fannie Siegel to Present .Tab& .7a//L Flag She Mad ,00to Israel President B, June brides, honeymooners, sum- mer vacations, visitors, sun tans, and sun keep us constantly re- Stork tatg"'"n-s minded that summer is here. Since vacation news seems the most prominent these days follow- Mr. and Mrs. George S. Silver mg are just a few notes about those announce the birth of a baby girl, that have started their summer Ann, born May 25. She joins an plans, older brother and sister. Miss Phyllis Blumsack of Boston, Grandmother is Mrs. Laura Berch Mass., is visiting in Seattle with her and great-grandparents are Mr. and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Jaffe. Mrs. A. Sender. While in the Northwest she has also been visiting in Bellingham and Vancouver. CLASSIFIED Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kosher of Ev- erett are back from a sojourn at SHARE apartment with refined Harrison Hot Springs. lady or room and bath with private Mr. and Mrs. Robert Silver and family on bus line. Write Box 120, family are at Soap Lake as are The Transcript. the Harry Druxmans and Matthew Weissmans. The Jess Browns just ENGINEER and mother need 2- returned from there, bedroom house or apartment. Un- Donald Hoehberg and Roy Rosen- furnished or partly furnished. thai, Jr., left June 18, headed for the Prefer Mr. Baker, University, Pi Tact Pi fraternity convention in neighboring district. Ellis Levin, Denver, Colorado, driving by way Sc. 7527. of Yellowstone and Colorado Can- .............................................. yon. They will be gone three weeks. ROOM in an apartment for rent. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels and Close to bus. Housekeeping facili- daughter, Joy, just returned from ties. Couple or woman desired. a four-week visit to New York, Mi. 2116. Boston and Ciaicago. After doing the MALE Jewish singers needed for towns they are trying to return tO!choi r for High Holy days. Good normalcy. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sehoenfeld,: compensation. Those interested now living in Los Angeles, are due phone Ca. 9706 Sunday .thr°ugh here soon for a visit with their Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. families and friends. GIRL to share view apartment in After retiring from business, Mr. Madison Park, on bus line. Mi. 2637. and Mrs. Abe Myers left May 30 for an extensive automobile tour throughout the United States. They will stop in Chicago to attend their Mrs. Fannie Siegel has made a flag for the new state of nephew's wedding, in Los Angeles Israel and will present it to Chaim Weizman in person as she and San Francisco to visit relatives. Dave Baroh and Dave Myers will has left Seattle to make her home in Israel. Sewed from the finest of slipper  satin, the colors white for purity and blue for truth, the flag bears a gold-bordered Star of David in the center and has a gold fringe. And in the upper right hand corner is a tiny, silk American flag. Mrs. Siegel hopes to spend two years in Israel teaching home eco- nomics, particularly sewing, to the people of Israel. Mrs. Siegel is proud that she once sewed a flag accepted by for- mer President Franklin D. Roose- velt. She has lived in Seattle the past 17 years and last year was quite active in the Campaign of the Seattle Federated Jewish Fund and also assisted in other communal projects. JOHNNY'S FLOWER SHOP Open 9:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Sun. 1008 23rd No. FR. 2288 FREE DELIVERY soon be training (ROTC) in Vir- ginia, while Mike Israel, Phil Ja- cobsen of Portland, and Jerry She- marya will be heading for Hamilton Field in California. Seattle Unit Junior lladassah en- tertained nine girls from the Port- land Unit over tlje June 12 week- end. A good time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moskowitz of Williamson, West Virginia, wish to announce the birth of a daugh- ter, Feliee Lee, born April 27, in Williamson. Mrs. Moskowitz is the former Sylvia Shemarya of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Rosenthal and son, Howard, drove to Califor- nia Friday to spend a few weeks with their daughter, Dorothy (Mrs. Milton Levitan) in Sausalito, Cal. Mr. Rosenthal will fly from there to Denver on June 29 to attend the Pi Tau Pi fraternity convention in Denver. Paul S. Frledlander was appoint- ed general of the commercial divi- sion for the fall campaign of the (Continued on Page 4) Camp Hatikvah Ideal Vacation Spot For Children Camp Hatikvah at Crescent Beach, B.C., under the sponsorship of the Zionist Organization of Can- ada and the Canadian Young Ju- daea is the ideal vacation spot for children. The camp has adequate, licensed facilities, expert supervision, an ex- perienced director, counsellors and a registered nurse. It features ex- cellent food prepared in a strictly kosher kitchen. A Zionist and Traditional Jewish cultural program as well as ath- letics, arts and crafts, and Hebrew songs and dances are featured. Camp periods are: 9-11 years old: July 3 to July 17; 11-13 years old: July 17 to July 31; 14-16 years old: July 31 to August 14. The fee is $22.50 per week or $45 for the two week session of each age group. Applications may be sent to Camp Hatikvah, 1007 Holden Blvd., Vancouver, B.C. Graduation Special THREE 5x7 Pictures for $6.00 and 1 Wallet Size Free--Cholce of 6 Proofs EXCLUSIVE PORTRAITURE Bernard Gelbart, 802 30th Ave. FR. 4729' for appointment (Proofs Submitted) Windermere H01el VICTORIA, B.C. You will enioy staying at this quiet and comfortable hotel. Centrally located. Spa- cious lounges. Moderate rates. OUR DOLLAR GUIDE will help you see the role LIFE INSURANCE can play in planning your estate MERLE P. GRIFF 1411 FOURTH AVE. BLDG., SUITE 320--MA. 6316 The Prudential Insurance Company of America HOME OFFICE A mutual life insurance company NEWARK, N. J. EXCELLENT CUISINE MODERN '(EAR 'ROUND RESORTAmerlcan Plan FOR RESERVATIONSPHONE HOllywood 2115 Southern California's Most Modern Mineral Baths BEAUMONT, CALIF. Altitude 3000 Feet i Talmud Torah Graduates Twelve On Thursday, June 16th, a large crowd witnessed the graduation of the Talmud Torah top class. The program was a very inspiring one, in that it offered variations of all activities of the Seattle Hebrew School. The Hebrew language came to its own in this memorable event when the valedictorian, Rita Shul- man, delivered her own address in a flawless and masterful Hebrew, when some of the Hebrew Day School's second graders presented a Hebrew tableau on the story of the Creation, and in the large number of Hebrew songs presented by the school's chorus. Many speakers, among them rabbis and spiritual leaders, as well as Mr. V. Smith of the Seattle School Board, gave credit to this outstanding class. Another important feature was the presentation of the annual Dr. Nathan N. Leivy scholarship, won by the following students: Marshal Luban and Steve Kaye, each $15.00 scholarship; Lucille Karnofsky and Pearl Eskenazi, each a $10.00 schol- arship. Abe J. Goldman Heads Temple Men Abe J. Goldman was elected president of the Temple De Hirsch Men's Club at the last meeting of the season. Other officers are My- ron Spring, first vice president; Richard Weisfield, second vice pres- ident; Maurice Kadish, secretary; Myer Cohen, treasurer. New Board members are Adolph D. Koch, Fred Marshall, Harry L. Steiner (retiring president). Old members are Charles Alhadeff, IIerbert Arnstein, Edward A. Brae- hem, Meyer A. Newberger, Max Schoenfeld, Felix Stastny, Dr. Wil- liam Wiener and Rabbi Levine. ,,,,,IIIlUllUlII$1UUUIlUllUlJUllUlUIII$1111IlU$[I$[IltIIllI,,, HE FALLS . . • FROM YOUR ROOF i You might be sued. The Judg- ment may be costly, and certain- ly the expense of investigation and legal defense will cost more than our low-cost Personal Com- prehensive Liability Policy. We shall be glad to send you a de- scriptive folder upon request. LIPMAN & ESFELD INSURANCE Morton Pinch A.J. Goldman Herbert I. Berns Edgar Blng Suite 401 Smith Tower Seattle 4 MAin 2E49 '"'@$$115]115][I][$]155]155]1555,"" BBI To 1 NEV the W of Re] nouDcc dent e In Mr. G( that E tribute Weizm came : in conl progra "We becaus progre Israel. scienc only towarc the M Dr. W stitute of scie in the Ten was Counci S. Ar marks made ill reo Paul dent a of Eve at the elected Presid, Stan 13 Schacl" Outer porter. on the by the This of the mid-su memb[ On won v Sigma ing a son w and or Jer( Rit( Jero: 16th A i n H'offm was a audito] of Wo] He v Seattle Protec Post 1 the col Fun{ day a party. Eternil He Louise man, Grace He I. and Lou Deli Owt Loui owner catess¢ and E June 8 Mr., came t of the lum C, ber of B'nai ] tail GI Surv daught son, $1 tie, an Func Jewish Lake ( Isa Call Isaac a fur his hm a six-1 ices w ish Ch Cemet, Mr. came B.C., i: Kilvin A. M. Rite t Lodge, membe gation. Surv a son, tle; a Vancm