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39 FEBRUARY 17, 1939
]VIiss Lydia Pearl WASHINGTON
ue., 00ve-B And
Choir Progress Hated ).
(Continued from Page i)
Miss l,ydia Pe:lrl ()f )%!atth, a
ln(,ndJ(,r ,)f (he N:lli.]ml (',,munith,e,
l'ept)rls exl'(dhm( progress in (he (le-
Velolm.,n( of (he Dil)Velll(!ll( fOP slip-
,or( for (he l':deslim Symphonic
.fir. The pr(@ct h:m met wilh
lOs( favoral)h! rec(!pti,)n ill the
marks every i)oli(i(ml and religi(ms denomination of men in this country,
stalMs Ulqmralhded iu the hislory of nations."
This breadth of view had been occasioned by his having seen Jews
and Christians fighting side by side in the struggle for independence.
But in addition to this, his mind was lofty and he saw in complete
equality of opportunity and protection, a fulfillment of the basic
reason for the formation of a Republic, with liberty and freedom as
its corner stone.
Washington also knew that "t Jew, llaym Sahnnon, had contributed "t sum
(stim'((d :,t $(;50,000 I o the patriot cause. This was all lie had. it reduced
him 1o poverty, I)u( he never regretted the sacrifice he had freely made for his
()n siaff he'M(luarters , he had appointed two ,Jews Col. Isaac Franks
:tnd Major Benjamin Nones--1)oth brave and intrepid soldiers. For a time,
Col. l,'ranks serve(l ns WtLshing(,on's aide de (',atoll.
It is an historic fact that the vast majority of Jews who lived in
the Colonies prior to the war of the revolution, were attached to the
American continental program. It is said that many of them gave
cooperation to the Non-Importation Agreement, which was aimed
at the boycott of English goods. This had a great effect in stiffening
resistance to British authority.
There was a gre'tt eon(,rast between Washington and Lincoln. ],incoln
was of the h)wliest l)irth 'rod origin. Washington had a pedigreed English
ancestry .m(l until the very hlst moment, he hoped that American al)peal to
King George woul(l result in a nm,lification of Britain's tmrsh treatment of
the Cohmies. When he found that imt)ossible, he threw himself into the fray
with everything he had.
ltis apl/oin(mcnt as comnmnde)'-in-chief of the Continental armies c,une
at (,lie suggestion of John Adams of Massachusetts, who frankly (lid not regaM
him as 't great sohlier, but because he thought this honor wouht solidify
Ltr lifts
in the
(I has
'S a I
,,r •
nt be"
• . . supports music proj ect I
J. S. and in the Itoly Land.
It is entirely 1)ossil)le that a tra('l.
of l'md at or near Je.rusalem will lie
et aside for the estal)lishmcnt of a
nusical colony.
Many famous Jews have coins for-
Yard in approval of the objectiw;s of
; reorganizaiion. Among these is
.he internation'tlly loved screen star,
dward G. Robinson. Beh)w will lie
0und the text of a letter written by
)ira to Cantor Myro Glass, who is
lational chairman of the nmvement:
"The P.tlestine Symphonic Ctmir
)reject proposes to colonize a group
)f singers in l)alestine--therc to
;ake part in (.tie creation of a sym-
)honic ehoir which will I)erform con>
)ositions on Biblical themes, and es-
)ecially on the texts ef the Great
Prophets of Israel. The sltges of the
3hl Testament l)re.ached social jus-
ice before that term was invented.
"Their sublinw, mor:d vision sl)eaks
12 per i universal language. Music, too, is
(riving i universal language. To combine
'29.50. ithe two is a bohl and brilliant idea.
"I am sure you recognize the re-
l)onsible task you are undertaking
Ld I sincerely hope it will succeed.
"With 'dl good wishes,"
(Sigiled) EdwaM G. Robinson.
NEW YORK (WNS) -- In an ad-
orer (;lie radio, Mrs. Ilerbert
[[. Lehman, wife of the Governor
that Amerit:ans welcome refu-
from European countries of op-
declaring that "Americans
lie ready to share their herit-
.fe of liberty and (temoentcy with the
:possesse(1 of our own times." The
of (lenmcracy, 'recording to
Lehman, is be.st observed by
first "at a time when a
art of the w(Md questions and de-
ieS the pernlan(Hlce of (l(!mocratic
As an ins(anee of lu'actieal de-
e(:raey, Mrs. l.ehman cited her in-
ei'est in the pig] t of the refugees
trt(l oppressed psi)pies in l)]urolm and
r activity in the American Jewish
nt l)istribu(ion Committee, in'in-
:il)al agency devoted to aiding
h'icken Jews abroad.
es Exanined--Glasses Fitted
Freeman Optical Co.
Phone MAin 8258
Credit at No Extra Cost
203 Third Avenue Seattle
Cleaned The Zoric Way
Every partMe of grease
and grime is removed l)y
Zomc SrSTI,:M Dry Cle'm-
ing . . and clothes slay
clean longer because
there's not (.lle sligh(est
trace of oil film on (.tie fal)-
ries. And they're fault-
lessly lu'essed., and minl)r
l)utton-.md-buckle repairs
Call SEneca 0711
Virginia to the l)Urlloses of tile rebellion. But Washington proved t() tie a
skillful and sagacious military leader and his persistence, even under the
most trying conditimm, without money and with ragged and starving sol-
(liers, proved that Adams had done a wise thing.
He was not only that kind of a warrior, but throughout the entire con-
filet) he served without pay and at the end of the war consented only to ac-
cept his actual cash outlay) the account of which he had kept with scrupulous
After the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, he refused the suggestion
of a group of discontented soldiers to declare himself king. llis rebuke to
them stands to teach generations to come, the measure of trtie and abiding
The government "Articles of the Confederation", established by the
successhil Colonials, at the conclusion of the war, was a failure. Here again,
Washington served his cotlntry. His voluminous correspondence to leaders
of American thought, contributed greatly to an aroused public opinion.
This brought about the constitutional convention) over which tie presided.
That eonclave, after months of deliberation, brought forth the National
organic law and its ratification by the necessary numl)er of states.
It was l)ut nattlral that so spotless a patriot should be chosen first presi-
dent. He might have served three terms, but after eight years) he retired
to 1)rivals citizenship.
His farewell address has gone down in history as one of the wisest
and safest ever issued to a nation in all the course of human history.
He told the nation then and his words appeal now, that the United
States should steer clear of all entangling alliances with foreign powers.
Ills terms of oilic% though successful in advancing the country's welfare,
were the subject of stormy opposition. There was a group of inalcontents
who feared that under the influence of John ltamilton, father of the constitu-
tion, that Washington stood for too strong a central government, anti some
thought that (,lie l/Oral I and ceremony attached to Washington otticial life,
lneant that he favored some form of Monarchy. There wits absolutely no
foundation for this.
This mistaken view was shared by Thomas Jefferson, who, in the c.dfinet
of (,lie first l)resident, wits always unalterably opposed to any policy .t(lvoc'tte(l
by lhmfilton. Jeffm'son did many things that added greatly to the worry of
his chief, .nd at one time cooperated with newspaper men who engaged in
wholesah vilification against Washington.
When the farewell message was read Lo Congress, a resohition was offered
lauding Washington's virtues and accomplishments. Senatm' Giles from
Washington's own state of Virginia, on the floor of the Upl)er I[ouse, opposed
the latssage of tlm resohltion) but it was adopted.
To prove that lmblic men of that day were spared no less than they are
now, we find that on the day Washington retired from office, the Aurora, a
newsl)aper printed at Philadelphia, March 7th, 1797, published the following:
"The man who is the source of all the misfortunes of our country, is this
day reduced to a level with lds fellow-citizens, and is no longer l)ossessed of
power to multiply evils ut)on the United States. If ever there was a period
for rejoicing, this is the moment; every heart in unison with the freedom and
hal/Illness of tile people, ought to beat higli with exultation that (the n'tme
of Wushington, from this day, ceases to give a currency to l)olitical iniquity,
and to legalize corruption). A new era is now opening upon us, an era which
l/romises much to tile people; for public measures must now stand Ul)On their
own meriLs, and nefarious projects can no longer be SUl/ported by a name.
Wlmn a retrospect is taken of Washington's administration for eight ye.rs,
it is a sul)jcct of the greatest sstonishment th'tt a single individual shouhl
have e'mkered the prineiples of republieanisn in 'ul eulightened lieol)lc, just
emerging frl)m the gulf i)f desl)otism , and shouht have carrie(l his designs
against (.lie Iml)lic liberty so far its to have put in jeol)ardy its very existence.
Such, however, are the facts, and with these staring us in the face, this day
ought to be it ,IUI/IIA,'I in the Unite(l States."
Washington was easily the master of the forces and influences
which won the battle for American Independence. Lincoln, by his
sagacious moderation and wisdom, saved the Union when its destruc-
tion seemed imminent. America does honor to itself in observing their
days of birth. The nation is safe so long as its citizens preserve the
traditions which inspired their lives and deeds.
The Selllmr(lie (,)ngreg'tti,m (,f
Seat(.h: will soon wele(mm a new
rabl)i :tim sl)iritual hmd(;r, lle is
Ral)bi Isad()re l(ahan. Ills ereden-
ti'tls tmvc 1)sen passed on by l)r.
lie Sohu t)o,)l, wh,) heads (.he Sel)luw-
die .lews of New York City and is
aclcnowh,llgeil as a great :tu(h()rity
on "tll rMll)inieal m:ttters.
R'd)l)i l(ahan is a native (if llun-
gary. F,)r live years he was at the
head of the Jewish Semimury ,u(.
Rhodes .rail f,)r the last six years has
been chie.f rabbi ,if the SephaMie
Jews at Rome, Italy. l[e is said to
be . very s('h,)hu'[y an(l eh)qucnt
man. lie is married, has two daugh-
ters and possesses a fine person.dity.
A highly signifieant matter in c,m-
necti(m witll his being called to the
Seattle post is that two synagogues,
Ezra Bcssaroth 'rod Bikur Chohun,
have united and will amalgamate in
their support of tlm new ral)bi and
his mission in this city.
All of the l)relimin'u'ies have 1)sen
(u)nducted. The necessary affidavits
'rod all the legal requirements have
been nmt 'tnd a cable may be ex-
pected now any day, informing
Seattle of the exact date when Rabbi
Kahan may be expected iu this city.
If all adwuice reports are trile, he
will lie a very worthy addition to the
Jewish clergy of Seattle.
JERUSALEM (WNS)--A report is-
sued by the American Economic
Committee of Palestine on the de=
velopmcnt here through Jewish en-
terprise revealed that Jews invested
4,540,885 pounds during 1938. The
sum includes nearly 2,000,000 pounds
for building up activities, 62,000 for
industrial enterprises, nearly one
million pounds for agriculture, 606,-
000 pounds for new urbau and farm-
ing estates and 438,000 pounds for
(ransl)or and othe.r Inlsiness.
David De Sola Pool Say Guiana
Jungles Not Fit For Refugees
Neville Ch.unl)erhdn has offered
(he ,lews a se(tMnent i]t the junglc
hums ,if Gui:mq. We have I)een there
before, :lnd it, is well to recall that ex-
perience. A little group of l)uteh
I),)rtuguese Jews settle, d in the, mid-
(lie ,if the 17th Century in l'arama-
rit)o at (.he mouth of the Surinanl
River. They hehl ou when their
English neighb,)rs, conquered by the
l,quatorial heat, h,lstile Indians an(l
tropic'd fe, vers, sailed away in des-
p'dr. The Jewish se(,tlenmnt grew
un(,il ari)und 1680 it suddenly left
])aranlaril)o all(1 went upstl'ealn a two
days' journey to an island subse-
quently known as Nassy Island.
lle, re in the heart of the wihlerness
in the interior of Guiana, a two days'
journey fron their nearest white
neighl.)ors, they set al)out clearing
the jungle. By 1685, with the help of
Negro lal)or they had built a ttu'iv-
ing settlement, and a handsome syn-
A statement has been issued ()tit of
the Home Office at London detailing
the fact that the Council for German
Jewry has approved plans for the es-
tablishment of a camp for transmi-
grant refugees and that British Jews
have undertaken financial responsi-
bility for its maintenance.
Measures have already been taken
to pret)are the Kitchener encamp-
ment on the Kent coast, which was
used as a training place during the
war. Owners of dm t)ropcrty have
put the camp at the Council's dis-
posal without cost. It is hoped
that 3,500 young mea having pros-
pects of emigration will lie trans-
ferred from Germany to the camp,
their l)laces to lie filled as they re-
agogue optimistically named "Bcr-
iwha Veshalonl."
'l'houf;h isolated in It dease juugle,
they pr()spered and fostere(l a loyally
religious life, marked by culture and
I)y a I)road l)hilanthropy of wtiich tile
Jewish conununity in New York City
was a beneficiary when New York
Jewry undertook to t)uihl its first
MeanwhihL tho English) the
Freueh aud the l)litch we, re deciding
which portions of GIlian't o:teh should
lie master of, and in 1712, a French
force c'q)turcd the Jewish settle-
ment "utd ma,'ked its (',onquest by
slaug]tteriug a pig in the synagogue.
A grimmer fate lay in store for this
cultured c()hmy o[ jungle Jews. Run-
away slaves gathered in ever more
menacing nmnt)ers in the tropical
forests. In 1718 the eohmy was at-
tacked by these 1lush Negroes and
the hush I)uihlings of I)avid Nassy
were I)urned.
More .d.tacks folh)wed; a Jewish
defense force was organized, but ill
1743 David Nassy was killed in bat-
tle with the bush Negroes, and in
1750 Isaac Nassy and three hundred
of his force were slaughtered by the
In 1774 a desperate attempt was
made to protect the settlenelt by
cutting a semi-eireular road two
hundred miles in length, dotted by
block-houses in sight of one another
in which armed forces were on the
alert day and night. But some years
laLer the once wealthy and influen-
tial settlement in the interior jung-
les of Gtfiana had to be abandoned.
Today there remain but mouldering
tombstones and the ruin of the
synagogue of "Blessing and Peace"
to tell the fate of a Jewish settlement
in the inaccessible jungles of Guiana.
--Zionist Review.
Your Children--
What Kind o/]ews
Will They Be?
Will they continue in your footsteps or
deny their parentage?
Will they be loyal torch-bearers for gen-
erations to follow, or fall by the wayside
and disappear?
Will they be fortified with the necessary
knowledge that will enable them to ward
off attacks by anti-Semites, or will they be
obliged to hang their heads in shame?
Will they be a source of pride to you, or a
Yes MAKE THEM.)...
If you stimulate an interest in your child-
ren's minds for things Jewish--
If you help them to become familiar with
Jewish traditions and Jewish present-day
Then you need have no cause to fear what
kind of Jews they will be when they grow
They will be well equipped to stand on
their own feet and look the world square
in the eye!