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,€ .3€wish Cranscripl
/.!;T '',) !f)2 {y Combined With THE JEWISH CHRONICLE
XV, No. 46 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, JANUARY 13, 1939 $3 a year; 1Oc, single copy
d Meeting
annual meeting of the Feder-
Jewish Fund will be heht Men-
night,, J,umary 16, 8 p. m. at
Center, wi(h I)resident Sol
in the eh'fir. Ill addition to
rel)orts of the year's activit-
there will be 'm election of
of the caMidates submitte(I
nominating committee, elm>
of Melville Monheimer, ch'fir-
H. Block and Jules Glant.
concerning the annlrll[
will have preliminary discus-
The drive is for the purpose of
the funds necessary to support
Jewish institutions throughout
World necessary to carry on the
cause. In addition to this,
Fund of late has l)ecn compelled
a part of its total to the
of handling tile local emigre
which h'ts become an acute
matter. It has also been
to expend a l)'u't of tile
in the anti-defamation work
to be important at this time.
organization has a total of
subscribers and last year its
(Cont. on Page 8, Col. 5)
Transcript is in receipt of a
from Rabbi Louis I. Newman,
0f its special writers (Telling It
asking us to state that Mr.
Bisgyer, of tile B'nai Frith
0t associated with the committee
Catholic Men's Group seeking
the embargo on shipments
The Transcript makes
announcement at the request of
Igewman though the paper did
)ublish the original report which
to by Mr. Bisgyer.
Attebery Rece&es Gift Rublee's Task
From Seattle Jewish Friends To Appease
Nazis Difficult
Grace Methodist El)iseopaI Church
has a haMsome new plush-covered
pulpit chair; in the home of the
minister, the Rev. Dr. Raymond
Attel)ery, there stands .'l roomy
fireside eMir. Both "u'e gifts of Jew-
ish friends and were presented to
llastor .ual congregation htst Sunday
evening, following church scrvi('es
which were attended by nearly 300
people of both faiths.
Oblivious nmmentarily to the hate,
tile prejudice, and the inhmnanity
of . troubled worhl which lay 1)e-
vend the walls of the 40-year-old
church buihling, Jews ;ad (?hristi'tns
sat side I)y side a,al listened reverent-
ly to the thr(ll)bing tones (if the
organ, the mellow harmony of the
(:heir. From a front row l)ew two
little boys looked with wide-eyed
wonderme, nt at rabbi .rod minister
standing shonhM' to shoulder ill
the pulpit.
The preceding Friday uight men>
bets of Grace Church were guests of
Herzl Congregation, where Rabbi
Philip A. Langh put pointed ques-
tions to the slight, fiery Methodist
minister and brought forth from him
the dcehu'ation:
"As believe,'s of democratic in-
stitutions, we naturally (iephlre a
policy of isolation or seeming ven-
geance. However, if nations are de-
termined to operate on the basis of
barbarity and destruction of civiliz-
ation, we should declare decisively
that we refuse to cooperate with
them culturally, economically, and
politically. To do less than this,"
Dr. Attebery declared, "is ha,'dly
to fulfill the Christiau and Jewish
ideal of vital ethics and positive
spiritual idealism !"
On this Sunday night it was Dr.
Attebery who was asking the ques-
(Cont. on Page 8, Col. 2)
Meeting Of Sephardics
Rahes Fund For Dalian Jews
Jews of Seattle, as one
unit, sent a message to their
across the sea last Sunday
that at least offered a ray of
to thousands whom the Italian
has decreed shall leave the
of their birth on March 12.
meeting at Ezra Bessaroth
iue has been called and
have been made a member of our
board of trustees and I cer-
ly will have to do something
that. All these years I have
writing about temples and
and, now, suddenly, a teml)le
two rahbis have been thrown in-
lay hands, you might say. And
.t, Segal, are you going to do
arious cynics have ribbed me:
it's a hopeless job to try to
life into a dying institution."
mean that synagogues in gen-
are moribund and there is no
use trying to do
much about any one
of them. That all
is not well with
temples also seems
to be on the mind
of the Union of Am-
erican Hebrew Con-
gregations (Reform)
which is meeting in
Cincinnati this week
to find ways to
!. Sepal make the temples
really significant
Lirl in the hearts of Jews.
many another I have been go-
temple very seldom. When I
I sit there restive and quarrel-
I quarrel with the prayer book.
say, this prayer seems far from
cts of life as we know them,
lrayer seems an affront to my in-
hundreds responded by their pres-
Dr. Harry S. Tarica presided, after
a fervent prayer by Roy. Behar, the
assembly settled down to real busi-
---Samuel Waiters Photo.
•.. a generous giverl
Morris ltanan was called on and
read the official appeal which has
been addressed to the Sephardic
Jews of the World. At times the
reader l)aused, not only from tile
emotions aroused by the recital, but
because of the audible sighs and sobs
that went up from re'my, whose own
flesh and blood in the old couutry
were un!lergoing torture, degrada-
lion and even starvation.
No need of the "wailing wall" of
the Temple of Jerusalem. That
spot of mourning was here in the
heart of Se,ttlc Jewry.
Three speakers in quick succession
(Cont. on Page 8, Col. 4)
I should he laying my soul
before the altar and, in fact,
for the simple comforts that
Stlpposed to abide in holy edi-
((2ont. on Page 2, Col. 3)
Courtely $oat Tima
•.. he receives gift l
Herd Lectures
Begin February
A lnince of the Catholic Church,
who is now an exile from his native
Germany, will head a dramatic
seven-week lecture course on the
theme of "Civilization at the Cross-
roads," beginning February 28, Rab-
bi Philil) A. L.tngh announced Wed-
,ms(lay night after a meeting of
lecture course sponsors at the Wash-
ington Athletic Club. Joseph Park-
er, B'nai B'rith vice president, is
lecture chairman.
The young prince, outspoken foe
of the IIitler regime, is Prince
Hubcrtus Zu Lowensteij!, who will
speak at the Music IIall Theatre
under lecture course auspices on
"A German Catholic Prince Flees
For Freedom."
Opened by a non-Jew, the syna-
gogue-sponsored lecture course will
also have a non-Jew as honorary
(Cont. on Page 8, Col. 6)
VIENNA--Jews deprived of other
means of support are working in
large numbers clearing snow and ice
from the streets of Vienntt, a survey
disclosed today.
Many of them for tile first time in
their lives have Ileen forced to do
manual labor ill an effort to obtain
nmney for their passage abroad.
They get approximately $1.60 a
(lay, the same pay which non-Jewish
shovelers receive. Most of the
Jews prefer the night shifts.
NEW YORK (WNS)--A sum esti-
mated at neary $250,000 representing
one day's pay of 30,000 clothing
worke,'s will be turned over to refu-
gee aid, according to a report by the
New York joint board of the Amalga-
mated Ch)thing Workers of America.
NEW YORK--Following Dr. ltj.d-
m.u' Sehaeht's return to Berlin,
after presenting Hitler's plan for
mass emigration of Jews f,'om Gel'-
many eoul)led with a llhm to increase
Genn'm exllort trade, George Rub-
lee, chairman of the l!]vi'm C, onnnis-
sion for Refugees was invited to Ber-
lin by the Reich to enter into further
negotiations using Schacht's dis-
eussions its a basis. TMugh it wits
evident tMt the Sehaeht plan had
been coldly rejected there was every
indication that there, at last, was
some tangil)le hope for' t.ll > refugees.
This was the statement following
Rublce's aecellt'mee of Berlin's in-
vitation. But events of tile past
week have complicated the picture
to su(;h an extent tlmt there is every
rc'tson to helieve that Rublce will
lind these, ew.nts a stumbling block
i, his discussions with Nazi oflicMs.
Nazi feeling against Presidmlt Roose-
velt may re'tel to the detrilnent of a
Roosevelt appointee to the Inter-
governmental Committee, but re-
g,trdless of such feeling, Rublee's
duty is cle'r and the attitude of the
United States in the t)rescnt Ameri-
can-German diplomatic crisis may
give the (tirector of tile refugee com-
mittee the opportunity to l)l'y his
part with resourcefulness and cou-
Many Jews
Commit Suicide
BUDAPEST (WNS)--While the
Hungarian Parliament was debating
the passage of anti-Jewish laws, de-
signed to limit Jewish participation
in economic and social life, many
Jewish intellectuals committed sui-
cide as a protest against the decrees
submitted by Premier Bela hnredy's
government. Many Hungarian news-
papers vigorously attacked the laws
."which would restrict Jews in busi-
ness and tile professions to 6 per cent
of the total number of persons oc-
cupied in the various fields.
The new anti-Jewish feeliug was
whitewashed by the Minister of
Justice who undertook to justify the
terms of the new anti-Semitic laws by
pointing out that anti-Jewish re-
gimes have already been adopted by
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Roumania,
Yugoslavia and Italy.
"200,000,000 people around us are
applying restrictions to the Jews/'
said the official. "UMer these con-
ditions we arc obliged to adopt simi-
lar measures. The new laws are
sponsored by Premier Bda Imredy
and apllroved I/y the govermnent and
are aimed at the mass e,nigration of
Hungary's 500,000 Jews. Up to now
Hungary has been a haven of com-
parative safety for Jews fleeing from
persecution in contiguous countries.
Littauer's Princely Gift To
Support Fine Lecture Course
Doctor Cyrus Adler, president of
the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America, announced this week a gift
of $25,000 from Lucius N. Littauer to
insure continuance and expansion
for the next five years of the semi-
nary's work of promoting a better
understanding of Judaism among
both Jews and Christians. Mr.
Littauer has provided a fund of $5,000
a year for five years to supl)ort the
courses and public lectures in the
Institute of Interdenominational
Studies; and to expand those activi-
ties of the seminary designed to im-
prove the relations of Jews and
Christians in the American com-
In accepting the gift for the semi-
nary, Doctor AdM" said: "In these
days of chaos and confusion we may
turn to the prophetic literature
which, as far back as the Book of
Leviticus taught the ways of peace
and to love our neighbors as our-
"The regeneration of the world is
more likely to rest uIIon a change in
the human heart than in conferences
and treaties; and Mr. Littauer's gen-
erous gift will make it possible to dis-
seminate these truths among men
and women of all faiths."
Mr. Littauer established tile first
... he announces glftl
ilrofessorship of Jewish literature and
philosot)hy in ally American uni-
ve,'sity at Harvard in 1925, a chair
which is now held by Professor Harry
A. Wolfson. His largest single gift
was for a Graduate School of Public
Administration at Harvard Univer-
sity, but he has also contributed to
the University in Exile at tile New
ScMol for Social Research in New
York City, and to hospitals and
medical research in this country and
abroad. The Littaue,' Foundation,
(Coat. on Page 8, Col. 5)
Good-Will "Musical Ambassadors"
To Give Concert lit Herzl, [an. 22
"A Cavalcade of tlebrew and Jewish Music," is the intriguing title of a
gala benefit concert sponsored by the Herzl Sisterhood on Sunday
evening, January 22nd, to be hehl at the Herzl Synagogue.
Two of the Northwest's noted artists, Susie Michael Freidman , pianist and
Maurice Friedman, baritone, will unite their talents to present this musical
epic of Israel's 2,000 ye.r-old history in story, song and music.
Last week The Jewish Transcript sought out this interesting artist=cou-
ple and found them at their beautiful Mt. Baker studios hard at work prepar-
ing their coming concert which they are also giving in Portland tile following
week=end. Urged to share a few incidents of their recent concert tour in which
they brought Jewish music to several colleges and other groups, Mauricc
Friedman replied, "It never occurred to us when we included IIebrew ritual
chants and Yiddish folk songs and Chassidic piano music (m what was other-
wise a very classical program that wc were going to carve a new name for' our-
selves. But when several non-Jews began calling us "Musical Ambassadors
of Good-Will" we realized that wc had accomplished the very thing that our
Jewish leaders are attempting to do with their good-will conferences and
radio programs."
"We Jews take far too much for granted the rich musical literature that
is ours. Whether it is due to tim old adage that 'Falniliarity breeds emltempt'
or to the fact that we have not always heard our Jewish music advantttgeous-
(Continued on Page 8)
B'nai B'rith On Wednesday Night
Programs University Professors
Dr. Lee Paul Sieg, president of the
University of Washington, will speak
on "Brains Or Chains--Which?"
contrasting universities under dic-
tatorship and democracy, Wednes-
day at 8:15 p. m. at Temple Center.
"We expect several hundred B'nai
B'rith members to hear this dis-
tinguished scientist, whose field is
physics--the branch of science in
which Dr. Albert Einstein, in exile
from a dictatorship, is top man,"
Simon Wampold, Jr., newly-elected
B'nai B'rith president, declared to-
"All B'nai B'rith members are in-
vited to bring their sons in college
and members of Sigma Alpha Mu
and Zeta Beta Tart fratenfities, as
well as all other University men, are
welcome to hear Dr. Sieg Wednes-
(lay night," Mr. Wampold said.
First meeting under B'nai B'rith's
new slate of officers, the Wednesday
,light program will also lie a welcome
by the Seattle Jewish community to
Jewish faculty Inembers at the
University of Washington.
To be officially welcomed I)y the
LONDON (W. N. S.)--The recent
stand of the British government in
refusing to admit 10,000 refugee
children from Germany to Palestine
was explained to a delegation from
the Board of Deputies of British Jews
by Colonial Secretary Malcohn Mac-
Donald who declared that any in-
crease in the present immigration
rate would seriously prejudice forth-
coming British-Jewish-Arab confer-
ences to settle the Palestine con-
THF, tIAGUE (W. N. S.)--The
colonization plan advocated by Dan-
iel Wolf, head of the Socicty for Jew-
ish Colonization, is meeting with
success and financial assistance to
raise 400,000,000 pounds sterling,
Wolf said on his return from Euro-
llean capitals, would be forthcoming.
Palestine will remain the heart of
the program, according to the so-
ciety's plans, and will be in full har-
mony with the princil)als of the Jew=
ish Agency, although colonization
in other territories will be sought.
Mr. Wolf conferred with Dr. Chaim
Weizmam, president of the Jewish
Agency for Palestine.
... he will speak I
lodge will lie:
Dr. Melville Jacobs, assistant
professor of anthropology "rod auth-
ority on Northwest Indian tribes.
Dr. Ernst Levy, professor of law
and world-famed as one of the most
distinguished experts on Roman
law, who was driven into exile by the
Nazi regime in Ger,nany.
Dr. Joseph Cohen, instructor in
sociology, whose brother is a rabbi
ill Palestine and wM is the son of
(Cont. on Page 8, Col. l)
PEIPING (W. N. S.)--It w-ts re-
reported that Jewish residents here
expressed gratitude to Japan and
Manchukuo for opening the latter as
a haven for world Jewry. Although
uo official annoulRgnlent of slrch
action by Manchukuo has been made,
it has been reported unofficially that
the Japanese-dominated state would
altair Jewish refugees. Reports
said that Dr. AImun Kaufman pre-
sided at the meeting which declared
a "resolve to become h)yal Manchu-
kuo subjects enjoying racial equal-
ity according to the state law."